The word naudininkas derives from the word nauda, which means benefit or profit and this case defines an indirect object, the receiver of the action.
When and where do we use dative case in Lithuanian?
1. The question “kam?” means “to / for whom?” and this question is answered by the dative case, which defines the indirect object. For example:
- Aš noriu atsiųsti tau žinutę. I want to send you a message. [A message is a direct object and you are the one who is receiving the message, so the word you -„tau“ – is used in dative]
- Aš tau skolingas 10 eurų. I owe you 10 euros.
- Ar gali man paskambinti rytoj? Can you call me tomorrow?
- Kaip padėsi savo mamai? How will you help your mother?
- Ką norėjai man papasakoti? What did you want to tell me?
2. Dative is also used with verbs patikti (to like) and reikėti (to need). The verb “like” is used in the same manner as in Spanish – me gusta, te gusta and so on:
- Lietuviams patinka skųstis. Lithuanians like to complain. [And I am pretty sure you have noticed it if you know any Lithuanians].
- Man patinka susitikti su draugais. I like to meet friends.
- Jai nepatinka tavo megztinis. She doesn‘t like your sweater.
- Man reikia išlaikyti egzaminą. I need to pass the exam.
- Mums reikia tavo pagalbos. We need your help.
3. There are some verbs which require dative case. Let‘s look at them:
- Dėkoti. Norėčiau jums padėkoti už palaikymą! I would like to thank you for support!
- Atstovauti. Mūsų komanda atstovavo Lietuvai. Our team represented Lithuania.
- Trukdyti. Netrukdyk man! Aš turiu daug darbo. Don’t disturb me! I have a lot of work to do.
- Vadovauti. Jis nesugebėjo vadovauti įmonei. He failed to manage the company.
- Prieštarauti. Jo gyvenimo būdas prieštarauja jo principams. His lifestyle contradicts his principles.
- Kenkti. Alkoholis kenkia sveikatai. Alcohol is harmful to health.
4. Also some Lithuanian expressions require dative case too:
- Man yra šalta, karšta, nuobodu… I‘m cold, hot, bored.
- Man skauda galvą, pilvą, nugarą… I have a headache, stomach ache, back pain.
- Kiek tau metų? How old are you?
- Kaip sekasi? Gerai, ačiū, o tau? How are you? Fine, thanks, and you?
- Man atrodo, kad greitai lis. It seems to me that it is going to rain soon.
Do you want to learn all the cases and reinforce your knowledge by practicing each case? Check my course Understanding Lithuanian cases that focuses on cases and their usage only!